Message from the National President Br Reuben Naidoo

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Dear Sisters and Brothers 

As we approach the end of 2024, it is important for us to take stock of the year. As members and devotees of Swami, we’ve no doubt experienced challenges, be they personal, family, work, health, financial, Organisational or whatever. In spite of these challenges, we’ve prayed and have come to this point. Sri Sathya Sai Baba taught that everything happens for our own good, and that we should consider all things to be for our benefit. 

The year began with us undertaking an analysis of SSSGCSA in terms of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and threats (SWOT analysis), and then plotting a path to drive members towards reaching the levels of excellence that Swami expects of us and reaching the goals that He advised us to aspire towards. Within this context, the forthcoming Centenary year, which we will all greet with reverence, gratitude and love for Swami presented the ideal opportunity both for self-improvement and Organisational improvement. We set up a Centenary Coordinating Committee whose task is to align the Organisation with the improvement goals that have been identified and to oversee the special projects and programmes that have been set for the Centenary year. The Committee will work with the current Wing coordinators to achieve these outcomes. 

Athi Rudra Maha Yagna (ARMY Programme)

The SSSGCSA participated in the Athi Rudra Maha Yagna (ARMY Programme) in April. The serene, almost heavenly venue, together with the enthusiasm and devotion of the participants both as ritwiks and sevadals, made this historic event quite memorable. The event, which attracted thousands of devotees, created a renewed interest among devotees in the Vedas, not only in terms of chanting but also in the messages and Vedic teachings. My compliments to all our members whose tireless work, dedication and discipline contributed to the success of this event. 

The year 2024 presented our members of Global Council with many opportunities for growth and development and to be of relevance to our fellow South Africans. 


The SEVA WING undertook many bold projects which kept members busy throughout the year. As members of Global Council, we served more than 50 000 hot meals to hungry South Africans, distributed thousands of grocery hampers, undertook disaster relief with renewed vigour and provided much needed drinking water in areas of water shortages. Our wheelchair reuse programme provided much needed relief to recipients. The tree planting (Prema Tharu) and Go Green initiatives have reached new heights. The Medical Team has done excellent work with general medical, optometry, dentistry and veterinary programmes. As the SSSGCSA, we have become one of the leading NGOs in South Africa in terms of the amount of blood donations. The Medical Team also publishes an online magazine containing valuable medical information which all devotees can benefit from. Please try to read it. In 2025, as part of the Centenary offering to Bhagawan Baba, we committed ourselves to renewing our Job Creation and Skills development programmes which will target both members in need as well as the general public. Our Wellness Programmes will also be intensified as a seva of need for our members. 


The DEVOTIONAL WING was kept busy throughout the year with many programmes that benefited devotees. Of all the programmes that SSSGCSA offers, Bhajans are probably the best attended. Our coordinators have worked hard to try to source the best speakers and musicians locally and internationally to inspire and motivate devotees. They’ve made notable efforts to improve lead singing and instrument playing through online and face to face workshops, all in keeping with Swami’s dictates. They have made every effort to quench the thirst among devotees for Vedam Chanting programmes and have introduced Vedam classes for devotees. In addition, the daily 5am and evening Vedam chanting slots have provided solace to hundreds of devotees. All of these efforts can be seen in the way in which our Centre and Regional devotional Programmes and Vedam chanting have tremendously improved. Those who have not climbed on the wagon for improvement have missed out on golden opportunities but it’s never too late. The Devotional Wing has plans for 2025 that will help us to further intensify our sadhanas, such as monthly study circles and continued exposure to highly proficient singers and instrument players. 


The EDUCATION WING has really stepped up and our coordinators have often gone beyond the call of duty to ensure that our SSSE / Bal Vikas pupils get the best possible benefits from the programme. They have held numerous Bal Vikas Gurus’ development workshops through a blended model that encompasses both online and face to face initiatives. Together with the Institute for Educare, the Wing offers training programmes for devotees who would like to become Bal Vikas gurus and for parents who are just curious to know about Bal Vikas. This year we witnessed an array of Education activities across the country. These included, amongst others, the National Family Fun and Sports Day, the Walk for Values, speech festivals and online quizzes. There has also been renewed interest in bhajan singing and Vedam chanting amongst Bal Vikas pupils and the Education Wing heeded the call and seized the opportunity. We have witnessed a tremendous improvement in the quality of bhajan singing and Vedam chanting amongst our students. The wing also publishes an online magazine in which their programmes are highlighted and selected works by students are published. The magazine presents an opportunity for parents of Bal Vikas pupils and devotees in general to keep abreast with excellent work done by the Wing. 


I am convinced that our LADIES WING is the Shakti that drives our Organisation. Like a mother who quietly but dutifully ensures that her household is in order, our Ladies are the silent soldiers of our Organisation. The Wing has embarked on numerous programmes of health and wellness that benefits all devotees in general and women devotees in particular. The benefits of the Wing’s Gayathri Mantra chanting initiative are immeasurable. 

This year they committed themselves to planting 99 moringa trees by Swami’s birthday, a number they have already surpassed. Their monthly Ladies Day programmes, which included presentations by professionals, provide ideal opportunities for our ladies to empower themselves as women, mothers, devotees, housewives etc. In the main, these have been very successful programmes. This year they held an online prasad-making workshop which was well received. Our Ladies are always kept busy sewing reusable bags, knitting beanies and scarves to provide warmth to children on cold days. The Wing’s sanitary towel drive is admirable and has provided a renewed dignity to hundreds of teenage girls. 


Our YOUNG ADULTS (YA’s) have no doubt been inspirational. They have effectively and successfully worked with all the Wings in the Organisation not just as a back up but as a force of their own, giving much of their energy to the various programmes of the Wings. In the first half of the year, they busied themselves with online and face to face workshops in the lead up to the international Global Young Adults Conference (GYAC) and the Global Young Adults Leadership Self Transformation (GYALST) programme. They spent much time interrogating the Conference theme : Recharge, Reconnect and Rejoice and brought this theme as study circles to the Organisation at large. A large number of our Young Adults attended the Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam in July. Most of these young men and women have become shining examples of righteousness and sacrifices as they navigate through their busy work and study schedules and commitments to the Organisation. 


Our SATHYA SAI CENTRAL TRUST members have played an important role in ensuring that love offerings are put to correct use and as per Swami’s prescripts. They have worked tirelessly to ensure that our account books are up to date and that we comply with legal regulations of SARS and the Department of Social Development. This has perhaps been one of the most challenging areas of administration for the Trust and the Organisation and there’s no doubt that the Trust requires better commitment and discipline from Centres and Regions in order to meet their deadlines. After a long and sometimes frustrating battle, the Trust can now proudly say that they managed to bring Global Council finances up to date to meet the 2024 deadlines. 


The SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF EDUCARE has become a force of note in the international arena of the Organisation. The Institute has offered a variety of Educare Courses and Programmes on Leadership and Management, Parenting and Schools Outreach. They play a vital role in monitoring and evaluation at the Sathya Sai School in Lenasia to ensure that Sai Excellence is achieved. Their Introductory, Intermediate and Bal Vikas Teacher Training Courses have attractes students from all continents. In addition to South Africans, the Courses this year attracted students from Mauritius, Morocco, India, Singapore, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Bahrain. This year, the Institute also ran a special online SSSEHV Programme with devotees from Russia.

In spite of our achievements, we all know that as devotees and an Organisation, we are a work in progress. Swami’s work is not done until each of us attains perfection. The royal road to liberation lies in integrating the paths of Bhakti, Gnana and Karma Yoga into our daily lives as laid out by the 9 Point Code of Conduct. We cannot choose one over the other. The aim of all the activities in the Organisation is TO KNOW, EXPERIENCE AND MANIFEST THE DIVINITY WITHIN. Gnana provides opportunities to Know, Karma presents opportunities to Experience and Bhakti is the pathway to manifestation. 

2025 is the Centenary Year

The year 2025 is the Centenary Year. Many programmes and projects have been planned. By the end of it, we want to present to Swami a Global Council that reflects the excellence He expects of us. We must strive to improve our devotion, duty, dedication, determination, discipline and discrimination. The opportunities presented within the Global Council are gifts that Swami has given to each one of us. We can use those opportunities to our advantage or ignore them at our peril. 

I would like to conclude by giving thanks to Bhagawan for the year that was. Thank you to all members of National Council, Regional and Centre officers and you, my dear brothers and sisters of my Sai Family, for being part of the team that drives us all to greater spiritual heights. We will not be able to achieve our objectives without your dedication and support.

May Swami bless you all. Best wishes to you and your families as we round up the year. Use this period to recharge your batteries in anticipation of the Divine tasks that await us in 2025.

Yours in Sai Service

Br Reuben Naidoo
National Council President


Medical Magazine - Issue 5


Maha Shivarathri Venues