Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare South Africa (SSSIE SA)
Blossoming the inherent divinity
“Education is not for mere living, it is for life; a fuller, more meaningful, a more worthwhile life. There is no harm if it is for a gainful employment, but education must realize that existence is not all, that gainful employment is not all. What is needed today is that we should live a life of good quality. The fostering of sterling character and good conduct is the need of the world.”
Sathya Sai Baba, November 12, 1963
The Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Educare South Africa (SSSIESA) is part of a world-wide network of educational institutions, established to promote the principles and programs of Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSSEHV) at primary, secondary and tertiary levels through both formal and non-formal channels of education including SSSEHV community education.
SSSIESA was officially launched on the 23 November 2021 as a body of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council. A new logo was designed to exemplify the key aspect of Education in Human Values or Educare as given by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
The 5 core human values feature prominently on the logo with love at the centre as Love was the reason for Creation and love underpins all other human values. The petals of the lotus symbolise blossoming of the individual through the practise of human values.
The stupa symbolises the upward journey of the individual towards his/her final destination, which is the realisation of our inherent divinity.
SSSIESA will be a centre of excellence for the promotion of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values.
The Institute will offer programmes and professional guidance to the community at the primary, secondary, tertiary and community levels based on Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values through both formal and non-formal education.
Establishing a universal understanding of the spiritual principles underlying education, based on the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Ensuring the authenticity of Sathya Sai Education based on the Philosophy of Sathya Sai Educare and the pedagogy of Integral Education.
Enhancing the quality of the design education through continuous refinements in the curriculum teacher training and development standards setting and quality assurance programs.
Enhancing the awareness, understanding and outreach of Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values.
The institute conducts the following:
SSSEHV training programmes and professional guidance, oversight and support to all Sathya Sai educational institutions in South Africa under the Global Council.
In order to realize the goals and objectives outlined SSSIESA will undertake training and other activities consistent with available resources which may be broadly classified under the following categories:
SSSEHV training activities
Development of SSSEHV educational resources
Professional support to Sathya Sai Schools under the banner of the Global Council
Professional support to other private or public schools or partnership schools in introducing SSSEHV
Establishing SSSEHV partnership with other educational institutions and public bodies
SSSEHV research activities
The philosophical cornerstone of Sathya Sai Education is the concept of Sathya Sai Educare.
“Educare has two aspects the worldly and the spiritual. Worldly education brings out the late latent knowledge pertaining to the physical world. Spiritual education brings out the inherent divinity in man. So both worldly and spiritual education identical, without which the human life has no value”.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sr Roshni Singh - Director
Br Reuben Naidoo - Coordinator SSSEHV Introductory Course (L1)
Sr Roshini Pillay - (Ex-officio), Coordinator SSSSE(Bakvikas) Teacher Training (L1)
Sr Maggie Perumal - Coordinator SSSEHV Intermediate Course (L2)
Br Dharma Naidoo - Coordinator -SSSEHV programmes for Special schools & Values in Healthcare
Br Morgan Govender - Coordinator -SSSEHV programmes for Secular Schools
Br Rodney Pillay - Coordinator -Parenting & Values in Management
Sr Amy Chetty - Secretary